To protect the lives and freedoms of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians for the enrichment of All.

• To protect our economy, health, and the natural environment.
• To implement strategies for responsible and sustainable industry.
• To strive for an economically and financially viable province for all.

In a democracy it is crucial for everyone to be involved. While our leaders may have our best interests at heart, they often make decisions without seeking input. No governing body should make significant decisions without first consulting the people who elected them. This is the value of living in a democracy.

One particular case that exemplifies the importance of consulting the public are the wind turbine and hydrogen ammonia projects being proposed throughout the island. On the west coast there is an added layer of complexities with the exploration of salt mines for underground hydrogen storage directly within residential communities.

While the prospect of jobs may seem appealing at first glance, there is also the acknowledgement these mega projects are boom and bust. There also remains a possibility that the companies could withdraw, perhaps by declaring bankruptcy if the project proves unfeasible. In such a scenario, we would be left to deal with a devastated landscape and coastline, burdened with the financial responsibility of the mess left behind.

We, the people, must ensure that our voices are heard and that the decisions made truly reflect the will and best interests of the people.

We are not funded by outside corporations or entities but rather invest our personal time and resources.

Brenda Lee Kitchen is the Co-Founder and Coordinator of Protect NL. “The mad dash to embrace green energy has our Government, and big business, ignoring the people, common sense and our environment. While many are open to industry, the transformation to a green economy cannot be done at the expense of our health, our water, our wildlife, our ecosystem, or the natural beauty of Newfoundland and Labrador,” declares Brenda.

Her family lives on the west coast of Newfoundland, in Robinsons, a community in Bay St. George South, where an industrial wind project is being planned. Salt mines are also being explored for hydrogen storage in a region with 1000+ residents.

Also included in the photo is Allan Gillis, a friend of ProtectNL.

Sally Kitchen happily and eagerly rushed to her sister’s side when Brenda asked her for help strategizing methods to raise awareness both locally and provincially. “I’ll never forget that call,” she laments. “I knew that the speed the Government was moving forward with was alarming, especially with the research showing wind energy failing on a global level.” Sally guides our research team and is Co-Founder of Protect NL.

Sally is shown here with her mother, Mary, someone who inspires both daughters daily.

Dennis O’Keefe served as the 14th mayor of St. John’s from 2008 to 2017 and kindly offers his skills and experience as our Consultant. Dennis saw the red flags early on and knew that “Bamboozling your way through as quickly as possible is not the best way to do things.” Dennis has seen too many times already where the people have already been left with a master clean up with our taxes, unlike the developers, who made lots of money and are now gone.

“It’s essential for people from all parts of our province, and even our country, to speak up,” says Mr. Dennis O’Keefe. “By working together and focusing on responsible industry, we can create a future for Newfoundland and Labrador that is economically and financially viable. we need to look out for the entire province, not just what’s in our own backyard.”

To protect the lives and freedoms of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians for the enrichment of All.

• To protect our economy, health, and the natural environment.
• To implement strategies for responsible and sustainable industry.
• To strive for an economically and financially viable province for all.

In a democracy it is crucial for everyone to be involved. While our leaders may have our best interests at heart, they often make decisions without seeking input. No governing body should make significant decisions without first consulting the people who elected them. This is the value of living in a democracy.

One particular case that exemplifies the importance of consulting the public are the wind turbine and hydrogen ammonia projects being proposed throughout the island. On the west coast there is an added layer of complexities with the exploration of salt mines for underground hydrogen storage directly within residential communities.

While the prospect of jobs may seem appealing at first glance, there is also the acknowledgement these mega projects are boom and bust. There also remains a possibility that the companies could withdraw, perhaps by declaring bankruptcy if the project proves unfeasible. In such a scenario, we would be left to deal with a devastated landscape and coastline, burdened with the financial responsibility of the mess left behind.

We, the people, must ensure that our voices are heard and that the decisions made truly reflect the will and best interests of the people.

We are not funded by outside corporations or entities but rather invest our personal time and resources.

Brenda Lee Kitchen is the Co-Founder and Coordinator of Protect NL. “The mad dash to embrace green energy has our Government, and big business, ignoring the people, common sense and our environment. While many are open to industry, the transformation to a green economy cannot be done at the expense of our health, our water, our wildlife, our ecosystem, or the natural beauty of Newfoundland and Labrador,” declares Brenda.

Her family lives on the west coast of Newfoundland, in Robinsons, a community in Bay St. George South, where an industrial wind project is being planned. Salt mines are also being explored for hydrogen storage in a region with 1000+ residents.

Also included in the photo is Allan Gillis, a friend of ProtectNL.

Sally Kitchen happily and eagerly rushed to her sister’s side when Brenda asked her for help strategizing methods to raise awareness both locally and provincially. “I’ll never forget that call,” she laments. “I knew that the speed the Government was moving forward with was alarming, especially with the research showing wind energy failing on a global level.” Sally guides our research team and is Co-Founder of Protect NL.

Sally is shown here with her mother, Mary, someone who inspires both daughters daily.

Dennis O’Keefe served as the 14th mayor of St. John’s from 2008 to 2017 and kindly offers his skills and experience as our Consultant. Dennis saw the red flags early on and knew that “Bamboozling your way through as quickly as possible is not the best way to do things.” Dennis has seen too many times already where the people have already been left with a master clean up with our taxes, unlike the developers, who made lots of money and are now gone.

“It’s essential for people from all parts of our province, and even our country, to speak up,” says Mr. Dennis O’Keefe. “By working together and focusing on responsible industry, we can create a future for Newfoundland and Labrador that is economically and financially viable. we need to look out for the entire province, not just what’s in our own backyard.”

March 2023

Brenda Kitchen witnessed the initial protesters standing up to protect their water on Local Road in the town of Mainland, Newfoundland and Labrador. It was this scene that ignited a fire within her to take action.

Determined to make a difference, that very month, Brenda journeyed to Mainland, engaging with protesters and witnessing firsthand any damage inflicted by World Energy GH2 during their attempt to construct their first wind measurement tower.

June 6, 2023

Armed with compelling video footage and photos, Brenda took to social media, and on June 6 she created a Facebook group to raise awareness about the proposed wind energy projects and the political climate, both locally and provincially. Her efforts extended beyond online activism as she embarked on a journey across the West Coast, engaging with communities in Port aux Basques, Codroy Valley, St. Georges, Stephenville, and the Port au Port Peninsula, among others.

During June and July, Brenda took two guided tours in the Anguille Mountains to show the public where World Energy GH2 are proposing to set up wind turbines and what will ultimately be destroyed in the name of greed.

September 2023

Brenda hosted the inaugural community meeting for concerned residents at the Silver Sands in Searston, marking a pivotal moment in the organization’s inception.

With a growing coalition of concerned citizens, the “Southwest Coast Alliance” was established, heralding the launch of the “Take a Stand for Newfoundland” campaign.

This grassroots movement involved a province-wide petition and the distribution of over 1000 signs throughout the province, symbolizing unity in the face of adversity. As part of this campaign, Brenda painted her 1981 Chevrolet camper van, named Matilda, in bright bold colours and graphics to garner even more attention to this important cause. Brenda brought the people’s concerns directly to the Capital, presenting a petition to the House of Assembly on two occasions, facilitated by MHA Paul Lane.

The campaign garnered significant media attention, with interviews on CBC, NTV, and Bay of Islands radio, amplifying the message and reaching communities as far as Nain. The success of the petition, which secured over 1000 signatures representing 83 communities, underscored the widespread concern surrounding the proposed wind energy projects.

Recognizing the far-reaching implications of the proposed projects, Protect NL expanded its focus beyond the southwest coast, prompting a name change to “Protect NL” to reflect its broader mission encompassing all of Newfoundland and Labrador.

November 2023

In November, Brenda revisited Local Road, Mainland, and ventured to the wind measurement tower in West Bay, shedding light on the environmental and community impacts of the projects. These include land being clear cut, losing access to our crownlands and facing signs that declared, “NO trespassing” and “no hunting.” During this trip to West Bay she accompanied local residents on a quest for a Christmas tree but despite having a wood cutting permit for the area they were questioned by World Energy GH2 security and what was supposed to be a fun outing for a Christmas tree was ruined by the presence of the WEGH2 signs and security.

During this time she also interviewed concerned fisher Fallon Flynn.

Also during this trip to Mainland, Brenda returned to ground zero on Local road where protestors were arrested. She wanted to show the state of the road a year later. A road that was once used by locals to access the land to gather firewood, go berry picking, forage for food etc is rapidly being destroyed by large equipment.

She also spoke to Dwight Cornect who was one of the first to speak out publically that Mainland water supply was being compromised by World Energy GH2 travelling and using Local road.

Also during this trip to Mainland, Brenda returned to ground zero on Local road where protestors were arrested. She wanted to show the state of the road a year later. A road that was once used by locals to access the land to gather firewood, go berry picking, forage for food etc is rapidly being destroyed by large equipment.

With over 515 thousand hectares at stake, Protect NL continued its advocacy efforts, engaging communities in Botwood, Exploits Valley, the Burin Peninsula, and beyond, hosting community meetings and distributing signage to mobilize residents.

The government’s decision to challenge World Energy GH2’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on November 1st, 2023, marked a significant victory for Protect NL and all of the island. To continue to raise awareness and hoping to influence Government in their decision, Protect NL launched their campaign, “The Big Push NL,” aimed at maintaining pressure on the government to prioritize the welfare of the province’s residents in its decision-making processes. Through continued activism and community engagement, Protect NL remains dedicated to safeguarding the natural resources and collective well-being of Newfoundland and Labrador and are once again heading to the Capital to join others at a rally at the Energy NL conference.